I figured it out just in time. Okay, let me be more clear, I didn't figure it out, Megan (RA/Coach) noted I was pinching the arrow with my middle and index finger and the sudden reason for this...my finger tab spacer screw was loose which changed the position of my spacer allowing my fingers to pinch the string. My other unknown "issue" grouping high. It turns out, thanks to Jake (RA/Coach) that although my mouth was closed, I wasn't closing my teeth. :) Silly me.
So now I've got it all figured out. hehe :) and I'm ready to be National Indoor Champion 2009. lol
I've gotta run, I have a long day and drive ahead of me. Wish me luck, my journey in Recurve Archery is going to be great. Thank you everyone at the OTC for your help.
Focus Today...Succeed Tomorrow
Today I will focus on driving to my tournament.