Friday, October 21, 2011

Strength Training has begun and I started with...

Crossfit! Whew what a beat down and I'm loving every minute of it. I started with a weekend "boot camp" (3hrs Sat/Sun) to get the fundamentals of Crossfit down and jumped right into classes at 7am Monday morning. I've since gone Weds, Thurs, Fri 7am and a mobility stretching class Thursday night. Weekends off!
Why Crossfit? Strength and mid line stability, two key things in archery for success. Strength is more then weights and poundage its also mental strength. Crossfit focuses on these and then some. I know it will make me a stronger Archer. My goal is to pull a 48 lb bow by the end of 2012 season. (versus my current 41) Crossfit makes you push your boundaries of comfort, helping you to become a better, stronger athlete. It's quick (20min) VERY high intensity functional movement workouts 3 to 4 times a week.(or as many as you can handle) They also include 20-30mins of mobility stretching and range of motion work and about 15 minutes of additional barbell work (some days). That's the great thing about Crossfit, its different everyday and you never know what to expect until you show up for class, this way you cant pick and choose which work outs to attend (smart).
Here's a blurb about crossfit...
"CrossFit is a strength and conditioning that combines weightliftingsprintinggymnasticspowerlifting,kettlebell training, plyometricsrowing, and medicine ball training...CrossFit athletes run, row, jump rope, climb rope and carry odd objects. They frequently move large loads quickly over short distances, and use powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting techniques. CrossFit athletes also use dumbbellsgymnastics ringspull-up barskettlebells, and many bodyweight exercises" - wikipedia

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